Indian Creek Farm
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Hello from Indian Creek Farm! Thank you for your interest in our products. Let me tell you a little bit about ourselves. Our farm is situated on approximately 175 acres of woodland, fields, and streams in the beautiful Monroe County. My husband’s grandfather, J.H. Copeland bought the first parcel of the farm in 1903. He and his wife, Kate, raised their family on the farm. It was then passed to my father-in-law, Arnold, who passed it to his children, one of which is my husband, Dan. It is also interesting to note that the farm was the site of a community schoolhouse in the 1920’s which was called, “Cedar View”. We raise cattle, sheep, and chickens on the farm. The animals are never given antibiotics, chemicals, or hormones of any kind. They are allowed to free range the acreage and are grass fed in the summer and hay fed in the winter. Our cows are a mix of various breeds, the sheep are Suffolk/Dorset crosses, and the chickens are Buff Ophingtons which have been said to have the “old time” egg taste. The products that we currently have to offer are lamb, eggs, and goat’s milk soap. We hope to add beef, pork, herbal vinegars, and herbal tinctures to our product line very soon. We appreciate your interest in our farm and our products. Questions, comments, and feedback are welcome. You may contact us at jcopelan@access.k12.wv.us or call 304-832-6119. Thank you and God Bless! The Copeland’s