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Asian Lamb Chops

This recipe includes a spicy dry rub that will add lots of flavor!

Source: (Entered by Jennifer Copeland)
Servings: varies
Ingredient keywords: lamb
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Asian Lamb Chops

This recipe includes a spicy dry rub that will add delicious flavor to your lamb chops.

Asian Grilled Lamb Chops

Grind all the ingredients together
with a mortar and pestle or in
a spice grinder. Store any unused
spice mixture in an airtight
container for future use


3 tablespoon Black Peppercorns,
3 tablespoon Cumin Seed,
2 tablespoon Turmeric,
1 tablespoon Ground Cardamom,
1/2 teaspoon Celery Salt,
1 tablespoon Ground Coriander.

Rub this spice all over lamb chops two hours or more prior to grilling. Also use on tuna, swordfish, bluefish, bass and Shish Kebab meats.

Use about 1 teaspoon of this mixed spice for every 2-3 lamb chops. Store remainder of spice in an airtight container for other usage.

Place seasoned chops on a wire rack stacked on a metal baking pan lined with aluminum foil. Add 1/2 cup water to pan.

Preheat oven to broil, place some butter pieces on top of lamb chops and broil both sides of chops until either medium rare but not above medium done.

Source: (Entered by Jennifer Copeland)
Servings: varies
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Basil Pesto

I make pesto just as the plants really start producing. Use the freshest leaves, put pesto up for the whole year in a short amount of time. Use it in the dark of winter for a fresh, summer taste.

Source: I have used this basic recipe for years (Entered by Jill Young)
Servings: 1 ice cube tray
Ingredient keywords: basil, garlic
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Braised Goat Chops

This is probably our favorite way to prepare goat loin and rib chops. We started with our favorite asian salad dressing, use it as the marinade and braise liquid. Please keep in mind, with any goat meat, as it is naturally very lean, you must be careful not to overcook it. The meat is ready when it still shows just a touch of pink.

Source: Cedar Dawn Farm (Entered by Rachel Moran)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: goat, garlic
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Chunky Lamb Stew

This recipe is very hearty and full of vegetables!

Source: (Entered by Jennifer Copeland)
Servings: varies
Ingredient keywords: lamb, onions, celery, carrots, turnips, parsley
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Classic Caesar Salad Dressing

This is a classic, all time favorite recipe. It balances of the tart lemon, garlic and zesty Parmesan cheese with the crisp, almost sweet Romaine leaves. Very yummy. To make a lovely salad (for 6), use 1 – 2 heads of romaine lettuce, 3 cups of croutons (home made or store bought) and 1/2 c of Parmesan cheese. Add a nicely grilled Swift Level steak, and you have a clean, crisp summer dinner.

Source: Joy of Cooking (Entered by Jill Young)
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: Romaine
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Faith's Slow Cooked Pulled Pork

A friend of mine cooked the best fresh ham roast I’ve ever eaten. It’s so simple, and you won’t believe how delicious it is.

Source: Faith Kline (Entered by Keveney Bair)
Servings: Depends on the size of the roast
Ingredient keywords: Pork
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Garlic Scapes

Garlic scapes, which emerge from hard neck garlic varieties, are seed stalks that curl upward as they grow. By snipping off the scapes before the seeds develop, more energy goes into developing a larger garlic bulb.
When the garlic scapes are still in full curl, they are tender and succulent. They have a taste that is milder than the garlic cloves, and have a broad spectrum of uses from soup to salads to garnishes.
The garlic scape is an allium delicacy that is highly prized and traditionally used in Southern, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, and Korean cuisine because of its subtle garlic flavor and tender-crisp texture.
Storage: Garlic scapes store well. You can keep them in the refrigerator for approximately 1 month, though fresh-cut is always the best. Remove the seed pod tip before using.
Preparation: Scapes tend to get tough and/or loose flavor if overcooked, so start simple. To learn how much cooking is enough and how much is too much, cut scapes to desired lengths and sauté in a little olive oil over medium heat, adding salt and pepper to taste. The end result should be a side dish that is elegant and tasty.

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: & (Entered by Jill Young)
Servings: varies
Ingredient keywords: garlic
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Garlic Scapes

Garlic scapes, which emerge from hard neck garlic varieties in June, these seed stalks curl upward as they grow. Snipping off the scapes before the seeds develop, more energy goes into developing a larger garlic bulb.

When the garlic scapes are still in full curl, they are tender and succulent. They have a taste that is milder than the garlic cloves, and have a broad spectrum of uses from soup to salads to garnishes.

The garlic scape is an allium delicacy that is highly prized and traditionally used in Southern, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, and Korean cuisine because of its subtle garlic flavor and tender-crisp texture.

Garlic scapes store well. You can keep them in the refrigerator for approximately 1 month, though fresh-cut is always the best. You can remove the stalk tip above the pod before using.


Scapes tend to get tough and/or loose flavor if overcooked, so start simple. To learn how much cooking is enough and how much is too much, cut scapes to desired lengths and sauté in a little olive oil over medium heat, adding salt and pepper to taste. The end result should be a side dish that is elegant and tasty. Try some of these other ideas:

Garlic Scape Ideas:
- You can add sliced scapes to any stir fry recipe.
- Slice and sprinkle over any pasta, or slice and cook them in almost any sauce recipe.
- Chop and add to guacamole or fresh salsa.
- Chop and mix with softened cream cheese or butter for a unique spread for sandwiches or bagels.
- Add chopped fresh scapes when serving a light garlic soup; can also add them to buttered, French bread floated on the soup.
- Use them as you would green onions, they’re just better.
- Chop and add raw to salads.
- Add to toppings for bruschetta or pizza.
- An excellent addition to stocks….and much Asian cuisine.
- Put in Thai chicken/basil/coconut soup.

Roasted Garlic Scapes
Take the scapes and put them in a lightly oiled roasting pan, top with salt (kosher or seas salt works best but any will do). Put the loaded and covered pan in a hot (425 °F) oven for 30 to 45 minutes or until they are beginning to turn brown. Serve as a side or main dish. Tastes like roasted garlic but creamier.

Source: compiled from several sources (Entered by Jill Young)
Servings: 10 garlic scapes will chop into 1/2 cup
Ingredient keywords: garlic
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Grilled Goat Chops or Lamb Kabobs Gyro-Style

Goat chops and lamb kabobs taste lovely marinated in Gyro-style herbs and grilled.

We grilled and ate outside yesterday evening while we enjoyed the cool evening air; the vote was two “yums” up for this flavorful meat.

Source: Laura's Home Cooking (Entered by Laura Wellstead)
Servings: Serves 4 - 6
Ingredient keywords: goat,
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